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Theater & Cinema Posters

The story

Summary of different posters & visual identities for film & theather projects.

The outcome

Visual identities that express the ultimate message & theme of each project treated.

The detail

Each visual is a mutual collaboration between the director or the production company & the studio.

Psy, Sex and Fun, a Sacha Judaszko and Vincent Leroy comedy, Gérard Pinter direction.

Haute Tension, a Jean Dell comedy, Gérard Pinter direction.

Faites l’Amour, Pas des Gosses, a Sacha Judaszko and Sophie Depooter comedy, Gérard Pinter direction.

Chéri, on se Dit Tout !, a Benoit Labannierre and Guilhem Connac comedy, Gérard Pinter direction.

Stéphane Guillon, 3 pre-launch dates.

Marco & Bruno – Vrai, a Marco & Bruno Aguiar comedy, Gérard Pinter direction.

Hollywood, a Ron Hutchinson comedy, Gérard Pinter and Pascale Legrand direction.

Libéréeee Divorcéee, graphic proposal, a Sacha Judaszko and Sophie Depooter comedy, Gérard Pinter direction.

Le Jour de Gloire, a Gérard Pinter and Patrick Andrieu comedy.